
Five Key Questions to Guide Your Next Career Move

Navigating the next steps in your career can be daunting, but asking the right questions can make all the difference. Fast Company outlines five powerful questions to help direct your next career move. The first question, “What energizes me?” encourages introspection about what tasks and activities truly motivate and excite you. Understanding this can help you align your career path with your passions. The second question, “What am I good at?” focuses on identifying your strengths and leveraging them to find roles where you can excel. Knowing your unique talents can set you apart in a competitive job market.

The third question, “What does the world need?” prompts you to consider how your skills and interests can address broader societal needs, making your work more meaningful. The fourth question, “What can I be paid for?” emphasizes the practical aspect of career planning, ensuring that your chosen path is financially sustainable. Finally, “What do I want to learn?” encourages a growth mindset, reminding us that continuous learning is key to long-term success and fulfillment.

I call these the “hip pocket questions” because they are best used regularly—at least annually, potentially quarterly, and undoubtedly whenever the unexpected happens. Curveballs of life—the good and not-so-good—often shift our priorities and clarify misalignment.